Pouvez répondre à la question 10 et 11 s’il vous plaît

Réponse :
voilà ce que j'ai trouvé
10. the duties : - appoint the first minister ( nommer le Premier ministre )
- dissolve the National Assembly ( dissoudre l'Assemblée nationale )
- seek to referendum ( recourir au référendum )
- grasp to the Constitutional Council and appoint three of its nine members ( saisir le Conseil constitutionnel et nommer trois de ses neuf membres )
the responsabilities : - make sure you do respect for the Constitution ( veiller au respect de la Constitution )
- ensure the regular functioning of public authorities and guarantee national independence and territorial integrity ( assurer le fonctionnement régulier des pouvoirs publics et de garantir l'indépendance nationale et l'intégrité territoriale )
- He is the guarantor of the independence of the judicial authority ( Il est le garant de l'indépendance de l'autorité judiciaire )
11. Appeared in 1988 in the United States, Super Tuesday designates a Tuesday at the beginning of March of the presidential election year when a large number of states vote simultaneously in primaries or caucuses to decide between the candidates of the two main ones political parties, the Democratic and the Republican, and designate the person who will be the official candidate of each of the two parties in the presidential election which takes place at the beginning of November.