Sagot :
Réponse :
Rhona is wearing Michelle's bathing suit and cap and is carrying Larry’s ax
bathing suit and cap = maillot et bonnet de bain : de Michelle qui est sauveteuse; maître nageur)
ax = hache :de Larry qui est pompier )
Chuck is wearing Jeannine's cap and apron and is carrying John’s briefcase
cap and apron = la toque et le tablier de Jannine qui est cuisinière
briefcase = malette; porte documentde John qui est avocat
Larry is wearing John’s business suit and is carrying Chuck’s baseball bat and ball
business suit = costume de travail de John
baseball bat and ball = la batte et la balle de baseball de Chuck qui est joueur de baseball
Jeannine is wearing Leanne’s uniform and is carrying Emily’s stethoscope
Michelle is wearing Larry’s helmet and coat and is carrying Jeannie’s spoons and pans
helmet and coat = le casque et le manteau de Larry le pompier
spoons and pans =cuiillères et casseraoles de Jeannie
Leanne is wearing Chuck’s baseball gear.
baseball gear = équipement de baseball
Emily is wearing Rhona’s uniform and is carrying Michelle’s whistle and float
whistle and float = le sifflet et le "flotteur" de Michelle