Architecture in Sydney
Complète le texte suivant en écrivant les dates en toutes lettres.
nineteen fifty-six / two thousand and three / nineteen fifty-seven / nineteen eighty-six / two thousand and seven / nineteen seventy-three:

Sydney Opera House, begun in 1957, ????? is a masterpiece of late modern architecture. It was inscribed on the World Heritage List in June 2007 ????? . In 1956 the New South Wales Government called an open-ended international design competition and appointed an independent jury. Opened by Queen Elizabeth II in 1973 ????, new works were undertaken in 1986 ????. In 2003 ?????? Utzon, architect of the Opera House, received the Pritzker Prize, the international architecture's highest honour.
les points d'interrogations c'est pour les réponses merci​