
Qui est Moise et ce qu’il fait ?

A rédigé en anglais :)

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Moses, peace and blessings be upon him, was born after Pharaoh issued a decision to kill all male children, so his mother gave him in the sea after she put him in a box. God willing, Moses was brought up with Pharaoh, who became a messenger who calls for Islam and monotheism in God Almighty and as he drowned the people of Pharaoh and his people and not Survive any take

Si vous voulez, je peux vous donner une histoire détaillée, j'espère qu'elle est exempte d'erreurs et que vous l'aimez aussi.



Moïses is a prophet. More precisely the prophet of the Jewish religion.Sons of slaves under the orders of the pharaoh who at his birth ordered his soldiers because of a prophecy of killing all newborns. But Moses' mother preferred to protect him to put it in a basket on the Nile hoping that good people could collect it. It was the Princess of Egypt who took him in and raised him with the future king. But after killing a guard he wandered into the desert and helped young girls who were bothered by men who did not prevent them from letting their sheep drink and then later he married one of them. One day he went to Mount Sinai and heard Gods tell him that he had to save his father and bring him back to the promised land. This is what he did but Pharaoh did not facilitate the task so he provoked the Contaminate water and food and what made Pharaoh accept to send them away is the death of his son caused by the catastrophes of Moses . But when they were about to cross the Red Sea, Pharaoh’s soldiers came to avenge themselves, but Moses opened the red mother in two, letting the Jews pass and closing it on the Egyptians. And after some other adventures he led them to the promised land .

Voilà j'espère que cette réponse t'as aidé bon après midi