Conjuguer au past perfect ( 5 points )
1) he / already / be / to the USA before ?

2) she / already / make / such a delicious cake.

3) we / ( not / repair ) our car.

4) you / see / an alligator before ?

5)you / drink alcohol / before going out ?

6)they / report / the incident to the police.

8) they / break / a Greek vase / in the museum.

9) they/ go / to the theatre / before visiting their brother ?

10)he / already / see / such an amazing animal before ?

Sagot :


Réponse :


Past Perfect

Forme affirmative  :   sujet + had + participe passé ....

Forme négative : sujet + hadn't + participe passé ...

Forme interrogative : Had + sujet + participe passé ...?

( ne pas oublier la place de l'adverbe de fréquence  ( aready) qui se place entre l'auxiliaire "had" et le participe passé )

1) he / already / be / to the USA before ?

Had he already been to the USA before?

2) she / already / make / such a delicious cake.

She had already made such a delicious cake.

3) we / ( not / repair ) our car.

We hadn't repaired our car.

4) you / see / an alligator before ?

Had you seen an alligator before?

5)you / drink alcohol / before going out ?

Had you drunk alcohol before going out?

6)they / report / the incident to the police.

They had reported the incident to the police.

8) they / break / a Greek vase / in the museum.

They had broken a Greek vase in the museum.

9) they/ go / to the theatre / before visiting their brother ?

Had they gone to the theatre before visiting their brother?

10)he / already / see / such an amazing animal before ?

Had he already seen such an amazing animal before?

; )

Explications :

Le past perfect exprime un lien entre un moment passé et un autre moment encore plus loin dans le passé. On l'utilise dans un récit au passé, pour parler de quelque chose qui  a eu lieu avant celle dont on fait le récit. On peut dire que c'est un passé dans le passé.

Ex : Yesterday my mother cooked dinner, I was disapointed because we had had the same meal the day before.

cooked ==> prétérit ( ça a eu lieu hier )

had had ==> past perfect ( car ça s'est passé le jour d'avant )

( Hier, ma mère a préparé le dîner, j'étais déçu parce que nous avions eu le même repas la veille.)