Pouvez vous m'aidez pour cet exo d'anglais svp

Practice Time - Les pronoms compléments
a. Listen to the girls -> Listen to ........... b. I love my sister -> I love
C. It's my turn to set the table -> it's my turn to set ......... d. We're going to the cinema, come with .........
e. I must call my dad -> I must call......... f. I must do my homework -> I must do ......
9. I play with my sister every Wednesday -> I play with .......... every Wednesday
h. I give my book to James -> I give ........... my book i. I do the dishes on Monday -> I do ....... on Monday​

Sagot :


A them

B her

C it

D us

E him

F it

G her

H him ?

i it

Je suis pas sure pour B C H

Bonne chance


a. Them
b. her
c. it
d. me
e. him
9. her
h. him
i. them

Bonne soirée.