7 Complète avec le bon question tag.
a. Today Daisy and her mother are going to Marks & Spencer's, ***
b. Daisy doesn't like Jenny's trousers,
c. You bought a new cap, ***
d. Daisy lives in Swindon,
e. Daisy and her mother don't often go to Waitrose's,...

Sagot :



Complète avec le bon question tag.

a. Today Daisy and her mother are going to Marks & Spencer's, aren't they?

b. Daisy doesn't like Jenny's trousers, does she ?

c. You bought a new cap, didn't you ?

d. Daisy lives in Swindon, doesn't she ?

e. Daisy and her mother don't often go to Waitrose's, do they ?

les questions tags.

phrases affirmatives = tag négatif

phrases négatives = tag positif.

phrase + , + auxiliaire be ou have (si employé comme aux. avec un participe passé) ou l'auxiliaire correspondant au temps du verbe lexical conjugué  (do/does, did) + sujet pronom sujet

les tags négatifs, toujours utiliser la forme contractée.


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