bonjour quelqu'un pourrait m'aider avec cet exercice de discours indirect

Ta meilleure amie est malade.
Tu lui rapportes la conversation
que tu as eue avec vos amis à
propos de l'organisation de
la fête de fin d'année.

a. Sarah: "Tom hates cookies.
He prefers cupcakes!"

Sarah told me...

b. Lucy: "This morning I took the bus to the supermarket
and I bought the pizzas and the sodas!"

c. Nathan à Sarah:"We don't want to play cards at the
party. We want to listen to music and dance"

d. Lucy: "Everything will be ready for 5 pm"​

Sagot :



exercice de discours indirect

a. Sarah: "Tom hates cookies. He prefers cupcakes!"

Sarah told me (that) Tom hated cookies and  preferred cupcakes.

b. Lucy: "This morning I took the bus to the supermarket

and I bought the pizzas and the sodas!"

Lucy told me (that)  she took the bus to the supermarket that morning and she bought the pizzas and sodas.

c. Nathan à Sarah:"We don't want to play cards at the party. We want to listen to music and dance"

Nathan told Sarah (that) they didn't want to play cards at the party. They wanted to listen to music and dance.

d. Lucy: "Everything will be ready for 5 pm"​

Lucy told (that) everything would be ready for 5 pm.

(si j'ai mis le  "that" entre (...) c'est qu'il n'est pas obligatoire. regarde ton cours et fais comme on te l'a appris.....)

pour la b) obligé de mettre "that morning ailleurs enfin ou au milieu sinon ça fait 2 fois that qui se suivent.

direct => indirect

This= that

these = those

yesterday = the day before

tomorrow = the following (ou next)  day



Bonne journée ☺☺☺