Bonjour est ce que quelqu’un pourrait m’aider à répondre à ses exercices qui sont à faire à partir de ce texte je vous remercie d’avance. Si vous ne pouvez pas tous les faire ce qui est normal pourriez vous juste en faire un?
Ex 1 : Match the headings to the paragraphs. Write the letter in the box.
A; Hot cross buns.
B: A traditional event
C: Chocolate Easter treats.
D: Time for a change
E: Things people do.
Ex 2 : Find synonyms in the text for these words:
7. importance
10. threatened
11. show
12. liked
Ex 3: Answer the questions according to the text. Circle T for true or F for, false.
1. Australians have a four day holiday over Easter
2. The Easter Bilby delivers eggs on Easter Sunday.
3. Most Australians want to replace the Easter Bunny with the bilby.
4. Good Friday is when hot cross buns are traditionally eaten.
5. The Sydney Royal Easter Show is held every year.
6. Australians don't like to spend time outdoors during Easter.
7. People attend church on Easter Saturday.
8. Easter is a spring celebration.
9. Only people from country areas go to the Sydney Royal Easter Show.
10. Chocolate buns are a more recent addition to Easter.
Ex 4 : Find words in the text to fill in the gaps:
1. There are many organizations that help protect (. )
animals, for, example WWF
2. Many people hold (. )over the summermonths.
3. The member's fee of $50.00 is paid (. )
4. The koala, kangaroo and platypus are (. )to australia
5. We had a wonderful party in (. ) of our engagement
6. It is (. )in Australia for families to gather at Christmas.
7. As we will have a (. )this week we have decided to visit family in another city.
8. New Zealand exports (. ) goods to many other countries
9 (. )animals are a threat to native animals and to the
10. Many people regularly (. )money to good causes.
Ex : 5
1.What are the Easter traditions in your country ?
2. Does your family celebrate Easter ? Yes - How do they celebrate ? No - Why ?
3. What do you think of the idea to replace the Easter Bunny with the bilby?