Réponse :
My name is David.
I have a best friend.
Her name is Jennifer.
She is 13.
She has long straight blond hair and blue eyes.
She is very nice.
Their names are Harry and Peter.
They have a big house near London.
Their best friend are Andrew.
He is very funny.
He has long hair and a big nose.
He is ugly !
His name is Paul.
He is 15.
His sister is Jenny.
This is Anna.
Her favourite coulour is red.
She is from Dublin.
She can draw because she is an artist.
Her best friend is Patty.
I have big blue eyes and a straight black hair.
les intrus sont :
Has and curly.
En ésperant t'avoir aider
et, bon courage !
Ps :
(Tu peux remplacer " Straight " par " Curly ").