Bonjour j’ai un devoir a rendre pr demain sur le présent simple et le présent continue en anglais

Good evening !
I) suite du present simple.
c) Chimpanzees don't speak any language.
d) She Always does wear skirts
e) Do they travel by bus ?
f) Does your mum cook dinner at night ?
g) Jim and Joe don't go to the theatre on sundays.
h) I never comb my hair in the morning.
II) Present Continuous.
a) What are you eating ?
b) Kat is opening the Windows because she's hot.
c) My dog isn't sleeping now.
d) The girls are listening to music now.
e) My brothers aren't watching TV now.
f) Is she combing her hair ?
g) Is Mary copying from the blackboard ?
h) We are practicing exercices English.
J'en ai fait de mieux j'ai juste mis en exergue la formation (structure) du present simple et Present Continuous à la forme affirmative, négative et interrogative. N'oublions pas les adverbes du present simple et Present Continuous ; Bonne soirée ;)