Mettez au pluriel les noms donnés entre parenthèses.

a Once upon a time there were four little (rabbit), and their (name) were: Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton Tail and
Peter. They lived with their mother in a sandbank, underneath the (root) of a very big firtree. “Now my
(dear)," said old Mrs Rabbit one morning, "you may go into the (field) or down the lane, but don't go
into Mr McGregor's garden: your father had an accident there: he was put in a pie by Mrs McGregor."
Then old Mrs Rabbit took a basket and her umbrella and went through the (wood) to the baker's. She
bought (loaf) of brown bread and five currant (bun). Flospsy, Mopsy and Cotton Tail, who were good
little (bunny), went down the lane to gather (blackberry) but Peter, who was very naughty ran straight
away to Mr McGregor's garden, and squeezed under the gate! First he ate some (lettuce) and some
French (bean); and then he ate some (radish) and then, feeling rather sick, he went to look for some
parsley. But round at the end of the cucumber (frame), whom should he meet but Mr McGregor!

Classez les noms que vous avez mis au pluriel selon la prononciation du -s.
Vérifiez vos réponses sur le site ( → tableau 18, p. 184). A

Sagot :

Once upon a time there were four little rabbits and their names were: Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton Tail and Peter. They lived with their mother in a sandbank, underneath the roots of a very big firtree. “Now my dears," said old Mrs Rabbit one morning, "you may go into the fields or down the lane, but don't go into Mr McGregor's garden: your father had an accident there: he was put in a pie by Mrs McGregor."

Then old Mrs Rabbit took a basket and her umbrella and went through the woods to the baker's. She bought loafs of brown bread and five currant buns. Flospsy, Mopsy and Cotton Tail, who were good little bunnies, went down the lane to gather blackberries but Peter, who was very naughty ran straight away to Mr McGregor's garden, and squeezed under the gate! First he ate some  lettuces and some French beans; and then he ate some radishes and then, feeling rather sick, he went to look for some parsley. But round at the end of the cucumber frames, whom should he meet but Mr McGregor!

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