Bonjour, j'aurai besoin d'aide pour mon devoir d'anglais svp, j'ai pas d'inspiration pour ce sujet :
Pour le 20e anniversaire du 11 septembre, vous êtes invités à Ground Zero pour prononcer un discours. Vous parlerez de ce que le 11 septembre vous a fait ressentir et vous rendrez hommage aux héros et aux victimes de l'attentat. Vous terminerez votre discours en donnant un message d'espoir/paix.

Sagot :

Réponse :

.Hello everyone, today is not an easy day. We have lost brothers, sisters, friends, colleagues...   This day is a dark day for the whole USA. Why did they do this is to take the lives of innocent souls. The aftermath of this day will last a lifetime. The pain is imminent, we feel a trauma facing this day is a hell on earth. Why does this day exist?   Heroes died, these victims are heroes. Deep thoughts for our heroes, their families.

Billy Burke, a firefighter, died at the World Trade Center in New York, remembering those first rescuers who evacuated the twin towers into which two planes had crashed. Sean, a carpenter, died in the New York bombing and thousands of other heroes forever in our hearts.  

The wounds remain, but at least the perpetrators are in jail for their unforgivable act. We must prove to these people that we are not like them. We claim in peace and hope. I send you this message so that we can be strong and move forward. Thank you for listening to me and I now declare a moment of silence for our heroes.