Bonjour j’aurais besoin d’aide en anglais pour ses exercices svp

4 POSSESSION/ Comment dit-on son travail en parlant de Sam ?
A. her work B. his work C. its work D. their work
5 QUANTIFIEURS/ Complétez la phrase. « Can I have ___ ice cream, please ? » A. any
B. some
C. a
D. Ø

6 PRETERIT/ Complétez la phrase avec le verbe conjugué au prétérit. « Last night the concert ___ at 8 o’clock. »
A. did
B. did started
C. is started
D. started

7 FUTUR/ Quelle phrase exprime une action future ?
A. Linda will go to the theatre on Sunday.
B. They arrived ten minutes ago.
C. I love playing basketball.
D. I’m doing my homework.
8 POSER UNE QUESTION/ Une seule question est incorrecte. Laquelle ?
A. Are you married? B. Where do you live?

C. Have you got a dog? D. When she will leave?
9 COMPARATIF/ SUPERLATIF/ Comment dites-vous « ma voiture est plus chère »?
A. My car is less expensive.
B. My car is more expensive.
C. My car is the most expensive.
D. My car is as expensive.

10 LES MODAUX/ Quelle phrase exprime une interdiction ?

A. You don’t have to sleep in class. B. You mustn’t sleep in class.
C. You can sleep in class.
D. You have to sleep in class.

Sagot :



4 B

5 B 6 D 7 A 8 C 9 B 10 A

4 : B
5: B
6 : D
7: A
9: C
10: B