pouvez-vous m'aider à faire cette exercice je vous remercie d'avance

Réponse :
C'est ce qu'il y a écrit je crois :
A Mysterious Letter
1. Lis attentivement la lettre : Qu'y est-il dit ?
Justifie tes reponses en citant le texte.
2. Demele ces mots de la lettre de Megan.
3. Reponds aux questions suivantes.
carefully: what does it say? Justify by quoting the test.
" heard a big note and ron som
Megan O'neill, English Professor
at the University of Lender
Malet Street. Landon
Dear Detective Logan,
I am Megan O'Neil and I know
when brian wordingjust I was in the
that I look suspicious
ared but i promise i did not bide my to
what's megan's jobs
Megan @'Nsill, English Professor
of the University of Langon
Maist Street. Landon
March Om
Dear Detective Logan,
am Megan O'Neil and I know that you are
investigating my husband's murder. I was in the
partnent when Brian was shot do4.
I now that I look suspicious to you because
disappeared but I promise I did not kidie my husband
I heard some noisse coming from the living room
but at first I didn't realise that he was being stacked.
Then I heard a gurishot so I ran away as quickly as
possible, as discreetly as possibl. Please belive me.
loved Brian very mutch and I'm devastated.
Explications :