Réponse :
Le prétérit est le temps du passé le plus utilisé en Anglais (un peu comme l'imparfait ou le passé composé en français).
Exercice 16:
Ici, il faut classer les verbes selon leur personnes (pluriel ou singulier).
"Was" est singulier, et "Were" est pluriel (à part pour "you" où, même singulier, c'est toujours "Were")
Donc, la réponse est:
Was: James, my sister, I
Were: the students, you, the cheerleaders, my friends and I, Judy and Sarah
Ex. 17:
"be" au préterit se conjugue comme ça:
I was - You were - She was - We were - You were - They were
Au négatif ça fait: Was not (Wasn't) et Were not (Weren't)
Donc la réponse est:
Dear Diary, Yesterday was a great school day. It was Pep rally ! The school band was there, the musicians were not bad. I liked their concert ! Then, there was a baseball match. My favourite players were fantastic, and there were many supporters. The atmosphere was incredible and I was so proud of my team! My friends and I were so tired at the end of the day!
Ex. 18:
Ici, il faut que tu écris les question en utilisant: Who, when, where, what, how, ...
Les réponses sont:
a. Were there cheerleaders at the game last week ?
b. How many new players were in the team ?
c. Where were you last week ?
d. How was the principal ?
e. Who was the team coach last year ?