Quelqu’un peut-il le faire ?svp c’est pour demain

Réponse :
Alexandra went to Westfield High School and she was the President of the Maths Club and also of the Drama club for a year. When she was young, she played basketball on the school team and as for her hobbies, she loved soccer and swimming.
In May 2014 Alexandra became president of Lawn Care Started a lawn mowing company. Between September 2014 and June 2015 she was a co-teacher for computer classes at Harrington Company.
Explications :
Bonsoir ou bonjour à toi, j'ai fait l'exercice mais avec beaucoub d'hésitation pour certaines phrases. J'espère que cela te sera quand même utile. Bonne soirée ou bonne journée à toi.