ارجوكم اريد مساعدة

قررت الهجرة الى خارج الوطن لمتابعة دراستك العليا احك عن تجربتك في بلاد المهجر مستثمرا ما تعلمته في مهارة التخيل والابداع وكتبة سيرة ذاتية في حدود عشرة اسطر


Sagot :

one day i went to the airport so could go to turkey the beautiful country i went there and they stoped in the airport they though i had something illegale so i stoped and they looked every where on my properties they didnt find annything then they found out thet had the wrong guy so they appologized and gave me free food for the whole weed and tickets to go any where for free and sales in some stores