you think of life in New Zealand !
I have been living in Australia before, and compared to that, New Zealand is just booooring!!! Dan 01 Jun 2007
I don't agree !! NZ is NOT a boring place ! We have fabulous natural resources to be enjoyed, swimming, picnicing and
boating at the lakes or local rivers, skiing in winter, walking through our beautiful forests! Trips to the city to go to a play,
show or visit a museum. So much to do.
NZ lover 17 Jan 2008
I totally disagree with anyone who thinks NZ is boring. I have lived in NZ for the last five years and think it's a beautiful
country with loads of adventure opportunities. It is a country with amazing outdoor activities including bungee jumping,
water skiing, swimming with dolphins and some of the most amazing treks! Omar 22 Nov 2008
I was born in New Zealand and have lived here for 25 years now. New Zealand is one of the cleanest and greenest countries,
to say the least has a great environment. Its a great country to raise kids. Meng Leong 23 Jan 2009
New Zealand Is actually Boring. I've lived here for 12 years and can't wait to go to Australia or the US.ITS BORING
BORING BORING. ajb 26 Apr 2009
Boring N.Z. I've been here for about 15 years, I had no trouble with the kind people of Nz, but as a young person, I think that
NZ is not providing youth with enough options. There is not enough work opportunities, no reliable transport system so you
always need a car, petrol is expensive and parking is even more expensive. Property prices are expensive, food isn't cheap.
Nomad 12 May 2009
New Zealand truth-I grew up here in New Zealand, and have lived here for seventeen years. New Zealand in my mind is a
great place to live. There is so much to do like hiking in our forest, skiing, fishing and lots more. Above it all, New Zealand is
one of the safest places to be. Steve, 15 July 2009

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