Hello tout le monde, est ce que vous pouvez m’aider a faire ce DM s’il vous plaît.
Thank you d’avance!

- A
Explications :Réponse :
Bonjour, malheuresement, si je me filme, ta prof va bien voir que ce n'est pas toi! Mais voici une liste d'activites que tu as pu faire:
- I took my breakfast at eight in the morning. The breakfast wasn't so tasty.
- I put my clothes on at eight thirty
- I went to the skatepark with my friends and I practiced some tricks. It was so fun!
- I took lunch at a restaurant near the skatepark with my friends at twelve thirty.
- In the afternoon, I rested at my house.
- I played video games. Finally! I beated the level two in my favorite game!
- At four o'clock, I took my snack. I took home made ice with biscuit sticks,. Wow! How they crack in your mouth...
- At five, I played board games with my family! I lost again...
- I prepared pasta with tomato sauce for everyone! It was simple but they loved it.
- At night, we watched the fireworks, we were the 14th of july!
- I went to bed at ten at night. Good night!
Activites que tu n'as pas fait:
- I didn't do homework.
- I didnt do any physical activity
- And I didnt get bored! What a fun day!
Activites que tu n'as pas pu faire:
- I couldn't go to my favorite restaurant because it is expensive, it needs to be moderated!
- I couldn't go to an amusement parc. Oh god the covid again!
Activites que tu a du faire mais prefere eviter:
- I should've gone to do a walk but it's to tiring, and I hate it.
- I should've gone to my parents friend's house, but they finally cancelled it, like every single time
En esperant t'avoir aide.
Activites que tu aurais du faire mais a prefere eviter: