Bonjour esque vous pouvez m'aider pour cette autre exercice d'anglais stp?? merciiii d'avance. PRÉSENT PERFECT VS. SIMPLE PAST. 1. The weather
(be) awful in the past few days.
2. We
wash) the dishes. They're clean now.
3. ................(your course, start) yet?
4. Emma (pack) her suitcase last night.
5. They (close) the factory. -Really? When (that happen).
6. Shall we play tennis? We (not plat) since we were children.
7. The airplane (land). The pilot is just getting out.
8. Prices (go) up. Everything is more expensive this year.
9. I'm tired. We (walk) 10 miles.
10. The Queen
(arrive) in an RAF helicopter last night.