Bonjour, est ce que quelqu’un pourrait m’aider svp. Merci
(juste les mots à relier)

Réponse :
A person who campaigns for political changes = An activist ( un activist )
Expressing or communicating thoughts by speaking = A speech (un discours )
Somebody who is no more a kid … = A teenager ( un adolescent )
Withdraw from commercial or social relationship as a protest = Boycott
A refusal of work organised by employees as a form of protest = A strike
( une grève )
Showing a desire to resist authority …= Rebellious ( rebelle )
A public display of group feelings toward a cause, in the street = A
demonstration ( une manifestation )
Implication, actively participating in something =Involved in ( impliqué dans.. )
Informing on a specific subject = Raise awareness ( sensibiliser )