His name is Barack Obama. He was born in Hawaii on August four nineteen sixty-one and was an ancient statesman. Son of a black Kenyan father and a white mother of Irish origin, they separated ten years ago. He left to live with his grandparents. He has two half-sisters and six half-brothers. In nineteen-eighty-three, he graduated from political science, with a specialization in international relations. He became a community organizer in nineteen-eighty-five. In nineteen-eighty-seven, he was accepted at Harvard law school, and three years later he graduated from it. He became the first Afro-American prestigious editor. He got married in nineteen-ninety-two to a lawyer. He is a fifty-nine-year-old Métis man.
Hormis la traduction, ton texte comporte plusieurs problèmes. Premièrement, il se répète "Afro-American - Métis", "He became"... Aussi, il est mal structuré. C'est-à-dire qu'il est peu plaisant à lire et qu'il n'y a aucune transition entre tes phrases et donc les différentes parties de sa vie...