bonjours pouvez vous m'aider ?

1. In the late 19th century, there was (irreg) the Gaelic revival. Irish people were (irreg) interested in Ireland's past (language, sport...) so they created (reg) the GAA.
2. What was the Easter Rising? Irish nationalists rebelled (reg) against the British government. The rebellion was stopped but the fight continued (reg).
3. After the civil war, the Irish and the British signed (reg) the Anglo-Irish Treaty and Ireland was split into 2 countries: The Irish Free State and Northern Ireland.
4. But peace lasted (reg) long! The Civil Rights movement started (reg) in Northern Ireland: Irish people fought (irreg) to end discrimination against Catholic minorities.
5. During 30 years, British authorities and Irish nationalists fought (irreg) against each other in Northern Ireland. It was very violent, there were (irreg) a lot of killings, bombings and street fights. They called (reg) this period « The Troubles ».
6. On a Sunday in 1977, there was (irreg) a march for civil rights. The British army shot (irreg) civilians and killed (reg) 14 people, it was very shocking. People called (reg) it « Bloody Saturday ».