(go) to Irelan
Present simple ou «be + ing >> ?
1. Pour chaque phrase, demande-toi si on utilise le présent pour parler
d'une généralité (présent simple) ou d'une activité en cours de
déroulement (present beting). Ensuite, conjugue le verbe entre
parenthèses à la bonne forme.
a. Let's go out !
anymore. ........(not+rain) EC
b. Hurry up !!........ for you. You should know I
7. domnit...like... waiting ! (wait/not
to the radio ?" "No, you can turn it
off.“ (listen)
to the radio every day?" "No, just
occasionally." (listen)
e. "What
your father
?" "He's an architect" (do)
f. Jim is very messy. He always ....
his things over his
bedroom. (leave)
g. "Can you help me to set the table?" "Sorry, I can't" "Why? What
you .............. .?"
..... my lessons."

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