Bonjour pourriez vous m’aider pour ces deux exercices merci beaucoup !
Exercice 1
Mets les verbes entre parenthèses au prétérit simple roi au prétérit be-ing :
a) the boy (run) throught the Woods when a stranger suddenly (appear)
b)John(look) for his girlfriend,when he(see) hier with another man
c)Night(fall)when she (go) missing
d)The suspect(rush) down the stairs ans(hop) on the train
e)When I(get) home,I (realise)a man(follow ) me
Exercice 3
Tu enquête sur la disparition de ton ami comment demanderai tu a un suspect :
a) ce qu’il faisait hier matin
b) où il allais quand la police est arrivé ?
c)ce qu’il a fait après l’arrivé de la police ?

Sagot :




a- The boy was running when a stranger suddenly  appeared.

b- John was looking for his girlfriend when he saw her with another man.

c- Night was falling when she went missing.

d- The suspect ran down the stairs and hopped on the train.

e- When I went home, I realized a man was following me.


preterit simple =  action soudaine et courte

preterit be+ v-ing = action qui est (était) en train de se dérouler



a- What were you doing yesterday morning ?

b- Where were you going when the police arrived ?

c- What did you do after the police arrived ?



b- I was looking for help when I heard my friend screaming.

c- I was trying to find my friend when I saw his cap on the ground.

d- My friend was wearing blue jeans and a black T-shirt when he disappeared


je viens de voir que tu avais déjà postée cette question. J'ai rajouté l'exo 2  ☺


bonne  après-midi ☺☺☺