bonjour tout le monde si quelqu un peut faire cet exercice ce serait fantastique merci beaucoup !


In a group, plan a large meeting involving people from several departments. First, decide what your meeting will be about. You can use these ideas to help you:

• What is your organisation? What do you make / do?

• What is your role in the organisation?

• Is the meeting about something that is going to happen (e.g. a new project or a procedure) or something that has happened (e.g. an accident, a failure)? Be as specific as possible.

• Is it a one-off meeting or the first of a series?

• How long do you expect the meeting will last?

• Who are you going to invite? Why do you want them to come?

• How can you persuade people to come to your meeting?

When you have a strong idea about the purpose of your meeting, write as much or as little as you think necessary to set up your meeting.