bonjour, je ne comprend pas et ne trouve pas ce qu'il est demander pouvez vous m'aider ?

11. Verbs with 2 complements
President Kennedy gave hope to the black community.
2 sentences into the passive form are possible:
1. Hope ........
Translation into French:
2. The black community
Translation into French:
mi. Verbs composed with a preposition
The government should take care of discriminated people.
1. Write into the passive form:
Discriminated people..
2. Where is the preposition in the passive sentence?
IV. Verbs expressing an opinion or introducing a speech.
1. Active sentence:
People thought President Kennedy expected equality.
2. Passive sentence:
President Kennedy was thought to expect equality.
a) Whick: verb in sentence 1 becomes passive in sentence 2? .........
b) What is the subject in sentence 2? ....
c) What change is observed for "expect"? ........
d) is this change possible in French?...
e) Give a translation for sentence 2:.
v Explain briefly why using the passive form.
merci à tout ceux qui m'aideront ​

Sagot :

Réponse :

i dont understand

Explications :



Réponse :


11. Verbs with 2 complements

President Kennedy gave hope to the black community.

2 sentences into the passive form are possible:

1. Hope was given to the black community by President Kennedy.

Translation into French: L'espoir a été donné à la communauté noire par le président Kennedy

2. The black community was given hope by President Kennedy.

Translation into French:

L'espoir a été donné à la communauté noire par la président Kennedy.

( Tu remarques que les deux phrases se traduisent de la même façon )

mi. Verbs composed with a preposition

The government should take care of discriminated people.

1. Write into the passive form:

Discriminated people should be taken care by the government.

2. Where is the preposition in the passive sentence?

R. avant le complément .d'agent

IV. Verbs expressing an opinion or introducing a speech.

1. Active sentence:

People thought President Kennedy expected equality.

2. Passive sentence:

President Kennedy was thought to expect equality.

a) Whick: verb in sentence 1 becomes passive in sentence 2? ..TO THINK.......

b) What is the subject in sentence 2? ...President Kennedy.

c) What change is observed for "expect"? ....tense change....

d) is this change possible in French?...non

e) Give a translation for sentence 2:. On pensait que le président Kennedy s'attendait à l'égalité





