B. Transpose ces phrases à la voix passive en omettant l’agent (en italique dans le texte).
Ex. Graham Greene wrote novels.
Attention de bien vérifier le temps de la phrase. Le nouveau sujet est-il au singulier ou au pluriel ?
Dans cet exemple :
- le verbe “wrote” est au preterit  l’auxiliaire “be“ sera aussi au prétérit
- le nouveau sujet “novels“ est au pluriel  l’auxiliaire “be“ sera au pluriel
La réponse est donc “were“
- le participe passé du verbe “write“ est  written
Graham Greene wrote novels.  Novels were written.
1. Cold Play gave a concert in London.
2. The villagers built the old church in the 12th century.
3. She found a book on the bus.
4. France imports a lot of oil every year.
5. John bought a new car last week.
6. The gardener watered the flowers yesterday.
7. An Irishman wrote this book.
8. Levi Strauss invented the blue jeans.
svp aider moi

Sagot :

A concert was given

An old church was built in the 12th century

A book was found on the bus

A lot of oil is imported every year

A new car was bought last week

The flowers were watered yesterday

This book was written

The blue jeans were invented.



Tu demandes d'omettre le complément d'agent  qui est en italiques.....????

En général on l'omet systématiquement lorsqu'il n'apporte pas un renseignement indispensable (quand le sujet est "someone" , "she" ...etc...)

Je vais les mettre en italiques entre (...)

1- A concert was given in London (by Cold Play).

2- The old church was built in the 12th century. (by the villagers)

3- A book was found in the bus.

4- A lot of oil is imported every year. (by France)

5- A new car was bought last week. (by John)

6- The flowers were  watered yesterday. (by the gardener)

7- This book was written. (by an Irishman)

8- The blue jeans was invented (by Levi Strauss). (je ne vois pas comment ne pas mettre le complément d'agent ....)

À toi de voir quels étaient les mots en italiques sur ton texte.

Bonne soirée ☺☺☺