Je dois faire 1 dialogue en imaginant que je vais partir en vacances, et savoir si j'ai oublier de faire quelque chose ou non (Par exemple : oublier mes chaussures).

Je doit utiliser le present perfect, preterit, adverbes, expressions,agacements, colère..)


Sagot :

Ah ... it's the holidays! college is an old story ... to me the holidays! = D


Damn ... I think I forgot my business beaches ... and thin!


    -  what's the problem behind?


     - I forgot my ms business beaches


     - Oh, do not worry ... the main ... is that you have not forgotten your holiday homework!



That if AC can give you an idea :)


Remains what have been added and the Perfect


sltp met moi : meilleure réponse =D ( I love google traduction XD )