Hey c urgent aider moi please : Reponds avec AGO:

1) When didi you last see your best firend?

2) When did you parens meet for the first time ?

3) When did you last take the train?

4) When did you last attend a wedding?

5) When was your last birthday ? 

 merci de m'aider le plus rapidement possible merci ;)

Sagot :

Tout cela dépend de toi.


1) When did you last see your best friend ? Quand as-tu vu ton meilleur ami ?

I saw my best friend ... ago.


2) When did you parens meet for the first time ? Quand est-ce que tes parents se sont rencontrés la première fois ?

My parents met for the first time ... ago.


3) When did you last take the train? Quand est-ce que tu as pris le train ?

I took the train ... ago.


4) When did you last attend a wedding ? Quand as-tu assitté à un mariage pour la dernière fois ?

I attended a wedding ... ago.


5) When was your last birthday ?  Quand était ton anniversaire ?

My birthday was ... ago.



1-I saw my best friend 2 weeks ago.


2-My parents met for the first time 10 years ago.


3-I took the train 1 year ago.


4-I attended a wedding 2 days ago.


5-My birthday was 3 months ago.