Pour demain j'ai une biographie de edward hopper ( le peintre ) a rendre . Mais j'ai complètement oublié ! En fait c'est pour mon brevet donc j'en ai archi besoins !
Consigne : rédiger un texte en anglais en présentant le peintre (1882-1967)
En 1899: new Yorkshire school for illustrant or
1900-1906 new york school of art
1905-1920 part Time job in advertising agency
1906-1910 3long visits to Europe ( and Paris)
1924 married à painter ( Joséphine )
Résidence : ny city
Death: NY city
Dire aussi qu'il joue beaucoup sur les lumières et peint beaucoup de personne solitaire !
Voilà donc tous ça en anglais à développer ! ;) merci !

Sagot :

Edward Hopper was born in 1882 in Nyak in New York State.  As a child, Hopper liked to be on his own; reading and painting were his favourite activities

After his high school education, Edward Hopper joined in 1899 the New York School of Art to study commercial art and painting or so called New Yorkshire school for illustrant. While studying from 1902-1920, he worked on a part-time basis in a advertising agency.



There he met what would become his greatest artistic influence: artist Robert Henri. Robert Henri was an Realist painter who urged his students to depict all aspects of urban life.
In 1906 Hopper briefly went to visit Europe (and Paris in particular). Edward Hopper particularly admired the great effects the Impressionists could reach with outdoor light.


In 1924 he married a painter whose name was Josephine. Hopper was living in and died in New York city in 1967.
EDWARD HOPPER was a painter of light and loneliness

The painter wished to share the loneliness he shared with nearly all the people around him indoor and outdoor. We could refer the 'Hotel Room' (1931) a woman sits alone with a piece of paper in her hand, the furniture around her is basic and utilitarian, the suitcases closed. Her hunched shoulders suggest resignation or despair. Has she been abandoned by a lover or has she just arrived to find a note that tells her he will not come? It is a moment in which she is enclosed within herself - the only action in the painting is her gaze. And that is infuriatingly just beyond our reach. 


Conclusion He died in New York in 1967. Hopper left a wonder inheritage of his time.