svp aider moi
152 Mettre les verbes suivants à la voix passive, aux temps proposés : 1 - follow, prétérit 2 - attack, prétérit 3-ask, prétérit 4 - arrest, prétérit 5-send, present perfect 6- say, present perfect 7-publish, WILL 8 - not tell, présent 9 - write, prétérit 10- not understand, présent by a strange man, who walked behind me till I got to by a punk... I went to the police, 3) . I know the punk 5) in the papers about it, and I suppose my ! Why 8) people 8) such things? in the newspapers, I'm sure there wouldn't be so by the majority of people ! Last year I 1) my flat; one month later, I 2) lots of questions, and eventually the man 4) to prison, but nothing 6) adventure never 7) If these stories 9) much violence ! But this problem 10)