Ex 1: Complète avec la forme
appropriée de BE au présent.
tall and thin.
Ron ............
Harry and Hagrid
...S... Hermione really bossy?
Ia great fan of Harry Potter.
We... young.
Ex 2: Complète avec la forme
appropriée de HAVE au présent
A wizard.................a magic wand.
very thick hair.
Professor Mc Gonagall.
glasses to read.
Professor Snape and Professor
Dumbledore ....................... a crooked
Ex 3: Choisis entre BE et HAVE puis
complète les phrases
Harry Potter. He
a very special teenager. He
child. He ***********
brothers or sisters but he
many friends. He
..an only
Hermione, Ron and Harry.
friends. They.
Lord Voldemort.
a scar on his forehead.
a wizard and
.................. best
magic powers.
their ennemy.

Sagot :


1) Ron (he) is.

Is Hermione really bossy?

We are young.

2) A wizard has got a magic wand.

Dumbledore has got a crooked nose.

3) Je ne comprends pas faut que je place mes mots désolée !