Test Yourself Change the following sentences into passive voice. 1 - Mrs. Smith typed the letters. 2- They are not cleaning the windows. 3- Kenny has just bought the book. 4- they would open a new store if they had money. 5-My parents were fixing your bike yesterday at this time​

Sagot :



Réponse :

Change the following sentences into passive voice.

1 - Mrs. Smith typed the letters. ( prétérit )

The letters were typed by Mrs. Smith.

2- They are not cleaning the windows.  ( présent be + V-ing)

The windows aren't being cleaned ( by them )

3- Kenny has just bought the book. ( présent perfect )

The book has just been bought ( by Kenny )

4- they would open a new store if they had money.  ( would + BV)

A new store would be opened by them if they had money.

5-My parents were fixing your bike yesterday at this time​ ( prétérit Be + V--ing )

Your bike was being fixed by my parents yesterday at this time.

Explications :


BE ( au temps de la voix active ) + participe passé