e. Exercise 6 Want to You take your brothers and sisters to the movie theatre. Using the vocabulary below, tell them what you want them to do or not do during the movie. PERLANCA - Tu emmènes tes frères et sœurs au cinéma. Utilise le vocabulaire ci-dessous pour leur dire ce que tu veux qu'ils fassent ou non pendant le film. Ex: sit next to me / text your friends during the movie I want you to sit next to me. I don't want you to text your friends during the movie. switch your phones off eat crisps be quiet comment on the film stand up during the film 1... 2...... 3.. 4.. enjoy this comedybonjour je n'arrive pas à comprendre l'exercice puis-je avoir la correction s'il vous plaît ​

Sagot :

Hey kiddos,
Here are some rules for you :
First of all, you are all going to sit next to me, I’m supposed to watch over you.
Second of all, turn all of your phones of, I don’t want you texting your friends during the movie.
And finally, be polite, I don’t want any comments or insults from the people sitting around us so please be quiet, don’t comment the movie, don’t stand up, and eat your crisps quietly and without putting some everywhere !

Understood ?