Réponse :
.. the Aboriginal people COULD travel anywhere they wanted in a certain
territory but they COULDN’T always communicate because they had
different languages.…
... they sometimes HAD TO travel long distances to find it.
After the arrival of Europeans, lots of tribes COULDN’T stay where they
lived and the HAD TO move to less fertile lands.
European farmers COULD take their lands and they COULD even kill them!
Aboriginal people COULD look after cows very well and some became
respected but they COULDN’T vote until the 1960s.
Explications :
COULD : la capacité dans le passé / dire ce que l'on pouvait faire
Il expime aussi la capacité, dans le sens de savoir-faire ( c'est son sens dans la phrase " Aboriginal people could look after cows very well" )
COULDN'T : l'incapacité dans le passé / sert à dire ce que l'on ne pouvait pas faire
HAD TO : exprime l'obligation au passé
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