Bonsoir, désolé de vous déranger, est ce que quelqu’un pourrait vérifier et corriger mes erreurs s’il vous plaît ?
La consigne c’est : "write a letter to your host family"

dear mr and mrs....,

first of all I’d like to say thank you for welcoming me and giving me this opportunity of visiting Australia. I have already seen the pictures that you’ve send me. Everything looks so exciting and fun. I’d like to go to surf camp for beginners. Some of my friends told me that’s something I need to try when I’ll be in Australia and since I have never surfed, that will be fun to try it. I would also like to go to the Healsvilles sanctuary. Seeing some of the animals that I only have seen on TV would be so amazing. I’d love to go sand boarding as well. That sounds fun. I’ve seen that there is also a Penguin Parade , I hope we can see them ! I can’t wait to come to Australia for many new adventures and lots of new memories. See you in 1 month.

Sagot :


c'est super,je pense que cest bon, il faudrait peut être remplacer "fun" qui revient beaucoup par "pleasure,enjoyment" pour éviter les répétitions. (ex: "that will be a pleasure to try (en parlant du surf) ) De la part d'une élève d'LLCE,bonne soirée