Bonjour, j'ai besoin d'aide svp

Réponse :
One morning, we WOKE UP early. My parents WERE SLEEPING TIGHT so we decided to explore the forest on our own.We WERE so excited we DIDN’T NOTICE that we HAD GONE too far. But while we WERE PLAYING « hide and seek », we suddenly HEARD strange noises and REALIZED we WERE STANDING in the middle of the forest. As we WERE TRYING to find our way back to the camp we SAW a dark shape behind a tree: we thought a wild animal WAS FOLLOWING us and we STARTED screaming. I RAN AWAY as fast as I COULD but as I WAS RUNNING I COULD hear the animal breathing behind me. It CAUGHT my arm … and I REALIZED it was only my dad. We were so relieved they FOUND us
Explications :
to sleep tight : bien dormir
to sleep tightly : dormir profondément
- we thought a wild animal was following us
( Nous pensions qu'un animal sauvage nous suivait (était en train de nous suivre ) : prétérit be +V-ing
- we thought a wild animal had followed us
( Nous pensions qu'un animal sauvage nous avait suivi ): action antèrieure :past perfect
===> Le choix du temps ici dépend de l'intention du locuteur :
- il pense qu'il était suivi ( en train d'être suivi ) : prétérit be + v-ing
- il pense/réalise qu'il avait été suivi : past perfect