bonjour, je dois rédiger une quinzaine de lignes en anglais pour répondre à cette question : "pensaient vous que les années 1980 plairaient aux jeunes d'aujourd'hui ?"
pouvez vous m'aider. merci d'avance

Sagot :

I think the 80s would not appeal to young people today because at the time there was no internet or wifi, compared to this generation who grew up with them, they did not have a smartphone or a flip phone, they were forced to use walkie talkies, something that today's young people would not damage, there are also dresses, wives wore more fluorescent colors whereas 'today it's the opposite, we prefer dark colors, there is also music, today's youth listen to a lot of rap, kpop…. but these kinds of music only appeared from the 90s and therefore they could only listen to pop