(Pour lundi 9/5/22)Bonjour, pouvez vous m'aider/ m'écrire une histoire sur un garçon ou une fille qui a décidé de rester jeune à jamais et possède des pouvoirs magiques avec au moins 220 mots (en anglais). Merci bcpp

Sagot :

salut!!! j'espere que ça ira, j'ai fait un minimum, pour que se soit structuré, normalement, il n'y a pas de fautes et il y a 360 mots n'oublie le prénom de ton personnage, bon week-end!

Réponse :

Hello! My name is........, I am 15 years old, and I live in with my parents. And in this world, we all have superpowers, my mother has the ability of controlling water, my father has the power of levitation. We all get our power at the age of 16, and my birthday is in only one day, I am excited and stressed about my future powers. My friends already got their powers, my best friend Ashley has the power of reading minds and my other Besty, Zeke, can run fast. In this world, there are three types of powers, the elemental ones, that gives the ability to control elements, like my mother, the psychics ones, that gives the ability to do a specific thing by telekinesis, like Ashley, and the physical ones, that give the ability to change your physic, like Zeke. The problem in this world is that there is the Power War, about egality of powers. The elemental people harass the physical people, and the psychic people harass elementals and physical...the world is very dangerous. Because of this war, I lost my older Brother, George, he died protecting our city, I wish I could do something against it, but I can’t. Except if I had an awesome power...like telekinesis, or body shield, maybe immortality, like the royal family long ago, they were the only ones who had immortality, but someone with the ability of taking power killed them after stealing their powers, he then became the emperor, and began the war.

I will finally have my powers and it’s almost Midnight, and my parents are waiting with me at the table...Finally midnight and I suddenly feel dizzy, my whole body feels very weak and suddenly feels strong, so strong that my ability must be strength, I look at my body, then at my parents' reaction to see if they see my body change, but they don’t look impressed or anything, they are just expecting me to tell me what I feel, I suddenly here a loud voice in my head, saying: “IMMORTALITY” I jump, it can’t be...it’s a rare power, I-I I look at my parents, and Panick, I am immortal...I have a power that can save the world and stop the war.
FIN! (sauf si c'est pas asser) <3