bonjour. bonsoir pouvez m aidez pour se devoir svp merci

4 complète les phrases avec les adjectifs au comparatif de supériorité ou au superlatif : (4 points) ex : dark, comparatif = darker superlatif = the darkest / - The Mt Blanc is.... Than the Großglockner, the Mt Everest is The..... mountain. (high) - June is...... ... than May, but July is the..... (hot) -Table tennis is...... than tennis, but badminton is the..... (easy) - French is... than English, but Chinese is The.... language. (Difficult) -"Air force One" is the. film I have ever seen. (Interesting) Tennis is ...... than skiing, but football is the.. sport. (Popular) than Mexico, but Russia is the The United States are.. country (large) than an eagle, but a parrot is A canary is ......... than an eagle ,but à parrot is the ................(colourful).​

Sagot :

Réponse :

The Mt Blanc is higher than the GroBglockner, the Mt Everest is the highest mountain.

June is hotter than May, but July is the hottest.

Table tennis is easier than tennis, but badminton is the easiest.

French is more difficult than English, but Chinese is the most difficult language.

"Air Force One" is the most interesting film I have ever seen.

Tennis is more popular than skiing, but football is the most popular sport.

The United States are larger than Mexico, but Russia is the largest country.

A canary is more colourful than an eagle, but a parrot is the most colourful.

Explications :