Lire texte "North By Night" p 59 TB, pour répondre aux questions dans le cahier: 1) Did Juliet enjoy reading the novel? 2) Who is the main character? Where is she from? 3) What is her family's secret? 4) What does Lucy do? 5) Is it risky? Why? 6) What is the novel composed of? 7) What is Lucy's dad doing? Is he early or late? 8) What did runaway slaves have to do before the 1850 law? What could they do? 9) What did runaway slaves have to do after the 1850 law? 10) How do Lucy and her mom feel? Why? 11) What happened to their neighbour (= voisin)? 12) What happened to white people who helped runaway slaves? + Mettre à la voix active ces 4 phrases: 1) The post was shared by Juliet. 2) Some men were put in jail by the authorities. 3) Their neighbour was caught by the police. 4) The story was told by Lucy.​