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5 Mets les adjectifs courts entre parenthèses au comparatif de supériorité.
a. The Statue of Liberty is (low)
than the Empire State Building.
b. Traffic? It is (crazy)
in New York City than in Paris!
c. The Statue of Liberty is a little (old)
d. Times Square is (noisy)
e. The World Trump Tower is (small)
than the Eiffel Tower.
than Ellis Island
than the One World Trade Center.
6 Mets les adjectifs longs entre parenthèses au comparatif de supériorité.
a. New York City is (cosmopolitan)
Los Angeles.
b. The monuments in New York are (impressive)
in any other American city
C. Chinatown is (extensive)
Greenwich Village
7 Compare les éléments qui te sont proposés avec un adjectif de ton choix.
a. The Brooklyn Bridge (1825 m) the Golden Gate Bridge (2737 m).
b. The Empire State Building (381 m) the Chrysler Building (319 m)
c. Central Park High Line Park