bonjour je ne comprends pas cette exercice est ce que on peut m'aider svp

Réponse :
Some people think that it is enough to JOIN a club or an association and
then enjoy its benefits. The Commonwealth is not like that. Any country is
free to BECOME A MEMBER. But MEMBERSHIP brings responsibilities.
You ARE BOUND BY the rules of the Commonwealth and you are
expected to ADHERE TO its traditions. There are COMMON VALUES
shared by all members. About all, you must remember that everyone is ON
AN EQUAL FOOTING. You all have EQUAL STATUS. So don’t try to throw
your weight around!
Explications :
to join a club : REJOINDRE un club / ADHÉRER à un club
to become a member : DEVENIR MEMBRE.
Memebership : l'ADHÉSION
to be bound by : ÊTRE LIÉ PAR
to adhere to : RESPECTER / ADHÉRER
Common values : VALEURS COMMUNES
on an equal footing :SUR UN PIED D'ÉGALITÉ.
equal status : STATUT ÉGAL.