Bonjour quelqu'un peut m'aider

Rapporter des propos au discours indirect par les personnes suivantes

a. Sue, "The fight for gender equality is not over."

b. Bill "I've always supported my vite in her fight for women's rights."

c. John to me: "We're trying to challenge stereotypes."

d. To my grandmother: "Are you a feminist?

e. A friend to me. "Have you watched the film Suffragetter"


Sagot :



Réponse :

a. Sue, "The fight for gender equality is not over."

Sue said that the fight for gender equality was not over.

 b. Bill "I've always supported my wife in her fight for women's rights."

Bill said that he had always supported his wife in her fight for women's rights. 

c. John to me: "We're trying to challenge stereotypes." 

John told me that they were trying to challenge stereotypes.

d. To my grandmother: "Are you a feminist?"

I asked my grandmother if she was a feminist. 

( Ici on ne nous dit pas qui a posé la question. J'ai mis "I" mais cela pourrait être quelqu'un d'autre .. )

e. A friend to me. "Have you watched the film Suffragette"

A friend asked me if I had watched the film Suffragette.

Explications :

Lorsque l'on passe du discours direct au discours indirect :

- verbe introducteur : said ( to say something : dire quelque chose )

                                   told ( to tell something : dire qqchose à quelqu'un )

                                   asked ( demander / poser une question )

- changer les temps :  présent devient prétérit

                                    présent perfect devient past perfect

                                    présent Be + V-ing devient prétérit Be + V-ing

- changer les pronoms
