Réponse :
Title: The Surgeon (le chirurgien)
This story will talk about a serial killer call The Surgeon who has killed thirty three persons and about how the police discovered his dark secret.
Chapter 1:
The weather was foggy and cold in Peipus village, especially at 3 am and he's sleeping deeply but his demons won't give him a moment to respite.
He's going down the stairs that lead to the cellar, the cellar where he doesn't have permission to go... He's looking for his dad.
He whispers
-"Dad?.... dad?"
But no one's answering, so he continued to go downstairs, then he turned right, that was at this moment that he saw it... The trunk she was locked in.... He knew that she's in there, he knew that he must not open it, but he kept on going....
He was now in front of it... He opened it and what he saw left him breathless. He was suffocating, his heart had stopped beating and he started backing up while staring at the trunk...
-"Malcom!" shouted his mom. He jumped up in fear. " You must forget what you've just seen Malcom, you....you don't know how dangerous your father is."
-"JESSICA! JESS...! JESS..!" it was her husband, Martin. µ
- " Let's go, hurry up.... quickly... quickly Malcom, your father must never know that we've been here."
-Dinggg....Dingggg...Dingg. His phone was ringing.
-"Hello, who is this?"
- "Ainsley"
- "What do want dear sister?"
- " I'm calling to confirm that you'll be present at the family dinner tonight. I really hope that you won't leave me alone with mom like the other time! You know how she is! She's just intefering in my private life!"
-"Don't worry Ainsley, i'll come this time... It's not like i had a choice."
- " I trust you on this time, I have to go, love you, bye!"
- "Bye."
End of chapter 1.
Explications :
Voilà je me suis inspirée de la série PRODIGAL SON et j'ai modifié quelques petites choses et j'en ais rajout" d'autres!