Questions à choix multiple. Relis attentivement le texte et réponds aux questions suivantes
en cochant la ou les bonne(s) réponse(s).
1. Coffee
was served for breakfast.
have their beards cut.
2. Men went to the barber's to have a shampoo.
talk to other people.
in the South of the river.
Westminster Bridge.
3. The Globe theatre was located in the East. 4. Shakespeare had to cross Tower Bridge.
in the North
London Bridge
a playwright
5. Shakespeare was a film director.
an actor
6. The women's roles were played by
young male actors.
7. Plays were shown in
the morning.
the evening.
the afternoon.
8. Shakespeare died in

Bonjour auriez-vous l’amabilité de me donner les réponse s’il vous plaît merci à ceux qui le feront (de l’exercice c aussi svp)

B Questions À Choix Multiple Relis Attentivement Le Texte Et Réponds Aux Questions Suivantes En Cochant La Ou Les Bonnes Réponses 16 1 Coffee Meat Fish Was Serv class=

Sagot :



Réponse :

1) Breakfast in England used to be a large meal.

2) Men used to go to the barber’s to have their beards cut.

3) Theatres used to be considered immoral.

4) Women didn’t use to play.

5) Theatres didn’t use to have artificial light.

6) All classes of citizens used to go to the theatre.

7) The audiences used to throw oranges at the actors.

8) After the show, Shakespeare and his company used to play cards in a tavern.

Explications :

forme affirmative : used to + base verbale

forme négative : didn't use to + base verbale
