Bonjour je dois faire devinez un film, pourriez-vous me traduire le texte suivant svp (pas par Google trad) svp merci !

«  Je vais vous présentez un film, ce film est sortie en 2002.
C’est l’histoire d’un orphelin élevé par sa tante May et son oncle Ben. Le personnage principal est Peter Parker, il se fait mordre par une araignée et tente de séduire une fille de son âge qui est Mary Jane. Il devient un super héros, son costume est bleu et rouge, Il fait la une des journaux. Les habitants et ses amis n’ont aucune idée que Peter Parker se cache derrière se masque. on le surnomme spider man. »

Sagot :

Réponse :

I will introduce you to a film, this film was released in 2002. This is the story of an orphan raised by his aunt May and his uncle Ben. The main character is Peter Parker, he gets bitten by a spider and tries to seduce a girl his age who is Mary Jane. He becomes a superhero, his suit is blue and red, he makes the headlines. The locals and his friends have no idea that Peter Parker is hiding behind his mask. we call him spider-man.

Explications :

Réponse :

"I'm going to show you a movie, this movie was released in 2002.
This is the story of an orphan raised by his aunt May and his uncle Ben. The main character is Peter Parker, he gets bitten by a spider and tries to seduce a girl his age who is Mary Jane. He becomes a superhero, his suit is blue and red, he makes the headlines. The locals and his friends have no idea that Peter Parker is hiding behind his mask. we call him spider-man. »