Salut svp vous pouvez maider j'ai pas compris :)) MERCI

a. Écris les verbes entre parenthèses au prétérit.

Eminem …………...........…...... (begin) his career in Kansas City, Missouri when he …….........……......…...... (be) 14 years old. He ………….....................….............. (not/ get on) well with his mother and he often …………................…...... (fight) with her. He quickly …………..............…...... (become) famous thanks to his first album. He …………......................…...... (develop) his alter ego, Slim Shady, and ….........………......…...... (meet) success a few months later. He ………….......................…...... (release) his latest album in January 2020.

b. Conjugue les verbes au present perfect et introduis le complément de temps par for ou since.
My father (listen) …………................…........... to rock music …….................. his teenage years.
I (prefer) …………..................................…...... reggae to classical music …………............... a couple of years.
(decide) ……….....…........... they ………….....................…...... to attend this concert ....................…...... a long time?
We (not / hear) …….....……..........................…...... this rapper ..............…...... last September.